Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Prose in Puritan period

For a Puritan period, prose have a important character in British society. The great passion like as in Elizabeth era ago. Briliant figure like a Francis Bacont (1561 – 1626 ) and Thomas Hobbes ( 1588 – 1679 ) tried to realised the reader that have a problems in that time must have to analyse in a prudent and rational by their arrangement.
The religious againts between Anglikanes and fantanes make a big problem to resolve peacefully two side that have legal dispute is fault. But this effort was produced a important work, it is a new scripture translation well known with “ Authorized Version ” or “ King james Bible “ ( 1611 ). The influence translation language style was known in a theologiens work at the time, like a Jeremy Taylor ( 1613 – 1667 ). Is not morely if the Shakespeare scerpture and his articles have a great influence in English consumer.

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